Finally done

Blogging, like software development, is obviously difficult, but not in obvious ways. Like, when writing a post I thought that the hard part would be figuring out what I wanted to say. Turns out the real trouble is that I don’t have as much to say as I thought. How much content is too much content? How much is too little? Is anyone even reading this? What’s the point? Eh.

I finished the project that I’ve been working on for the longest while. Something that I thought would take me maybe twenty-thirty hours of dev work. Fifty hours and a little bit of feature creep later, I’m all done! Doing an entire fullstack project on your own is no mean feat. The process really helped me identify my strong points and areas where I need some improvement.

I’ve given javascript/typescript a bit of a break right now. I’ve been learning Go and so far it’s been a pleasure. I can’t wait to get working with it in a real backend project.