I Want to Cry

Okay, I’m being a bit overdramatic, but only a bit. I haven’t quite given in to the despair just yet! I’m still working on the same time tracking application from my previous post. Actually, I’d say that the majority of the functionality is done and has been done for quite a bit. Not much of a surprise given that I’ve had quite a bit of experience with backend development. But, given that this is the first time I’ve ever worked on a project like this by myself, there have been a few setbacks.

Right now deployment is the problem. Namely, deploying for free. Hah! Got you didn’t I? With so many different organizations selling shovels in the online gold rush it would be trivial to get the application up and running. Up and running for free though? That’s another matter entirely. I’ll sort it out though.

One way or the other.